Devin Rodger's Ottawa Senators Fan Profile

Brief description

My name is Devin Rodger, and basically I live for hockey, and the Ottawa Senators in particular.

Who am I?

My name is Devin Rodger, and basically I live for hockey, and the Ottawa Senators in particular.

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Devin Rodger's Weblog Posts

Merry Christmas; Happy New Years; Welcome 2009 Winter Classic!! posted on 12/23/2008

Well I am new to this website, but have ultimately been blogging for years now.

Seeing as it is the end of December, I wont full publish a working Senators blog till after the year. 

My first post will be on the 2009 Winter Classic. Should be a great game!

Until then, Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Years!

Continue reading "Merry Christmas; Happy New Years; Welcome 2009 Winter Classic!!"

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